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FireStik accessories

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FireStik accessories

In our FireStik accessories category you will find everything you need for your FireStik flagpoles. We offer a wide range of products including vinyl end caps in various models and brightly colored Oxford polyester flags. We also have magnetic flag holders, various brackets and mounting and mounting materials. Our flexible springs are perfect for the bottom of the flagpole, and we also offer flagpole extensions and more to complete your flag.

In the fall of 2004, FireStik entered the safety flag market. This was a logical step, given the knowledge of fiber optics that the company had acquired in almost 40 years of antenna production. The first phase of learning mainly involved learning the rules in each state regarding flag color, shape and height requirements for recreational dunes and off-road use. Initially, most flags were used by people having fun on the sand dunes. Other markets such as kayaking, ATV and UTV users, mining and pipeline projects followed suit and became regular customers of FireStik flag products.

A fun and interesting moment took place at a Sand Show. Les Shockley, the owner and operator of jet-powered trucks used for drag racing and air show exhibitions, visited the FireStik booth and expressed interest in flags for his vehicles. Before he left, we gave Les some FireStik flags. A few weeks later we received a video, some promo photos (shown below), and one of the flags he used on his jet truck at an air show (also shown below). You can see that a hole was burned into the flag, but given the 30 feet of flames coming from those two jet engines, a burn hole seemed very likely. Even more impressive was the fact that the flag traveled down the runway at 342 miles per hour. We don't know if it was flag screaming (too much engine noise), but it was definitely shaking.

The fastest Chevy truck in the world! Regardless of what people say, this truck has gone much faster than any other Chevy truck in the world. At Bloomington Airshows' 'Challenge on the Prairie', the SuperShockwave ran 550 km per hour (334 mph) from a standing start over a distance of 800 meters. (half mile).

Quote from FireStik:

"The annoyance of poor quality stays with you longer

remember as the joy of a low price"

FireStik is committed to the highest quality and durability, so you can always rely on FireStik products for all your security and signaling needs.

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