This is the standard transponder from Track Technologies, specially designed for the LaserTrack Flare warning system. Please note: this transponder is different from the transponders that are in the license plate holder.
Possibilities when using LaserTrack transponders
When using 1 transponder:
- One transponder on the front of the car.
- One license plate holder with a transponder on the front of the car.
When using 2 transponders:
- One transponder at the front and one at the rear of the car.
- One license plate holder with two transponders on the front of the car.
When using 3 transponders:
- Two transponders at the front and one at the rear of the car.
- One license plate holder with two transponders on the front and one on the rear of the car.
When using 4 transponders:
- Two transponders at the front and two at the rear of the car.
- One license plate holder with double transponders at the front and one license plate holder with two transponders at the rear of the car.